Langs offers a Community Health Centre (CHC) at their main site on Concession Rd in Cambridge, as well as at their North Dumfries Satellite Site in Ayr. Primary Health Care at Langs and North Dumfries focuses on meeting a person's physical, mental and social needs throughout their entire lifespan. This may include support for the prevention of illness, treatments and promoting good health practices. It also takes into consideration contributing factors and barriers that may impact a person’s health and well-being.


Health 811

Do you need help deciding on care based on your symptoms? Health811 - Symptom assessment


Virtual Care - available 24/7

Outside of clinic hours, online urgent care is available for residents in Southwestern Ontario. An Ontario health card fully covers appointment costs. Visit Urgent Care Ontario today!


Online Appointment Booking

We understand that your time is valuable, and you may be unable to call during our clinic hours. Langs is pleased to provide a secure platform that allows patients at Langs and North Dumfries to book appointments online!


Please select the location of your provider below.      


Langs CHC Patients


North Dumfries CHC Patients


Unfortunately, the following appointment types ARE NOT available for online booking at this time:

  • Well Baby Visit
  • Urgent Same Day
  • Pre-Natal Visit
  • Physical/Health Screen/Annual Check-up
  • Ministry of Transportation (MTO) Physical

Please note:

  • You will need your health card and the name of your provider to book an appointment
  • If you do not know the name of your doctor or nurse practitioner, please call the clinic
  • If you need one of the above appointment types that are not available for online booking or time that you are looking for is not listed, please call the clinic


For urgent appointments, please call 519-653-1470 (Langs) or 519-632-1229 (North Dumfries).
If you require emergency care, please visit your nearest emergency department, or call 911.



Now accepting new patients


Are you a Cambridge or North Dumfries resident looking for a family doctor? We are accepting new patients. Learn more below under "Become a patient?"








Learn more

Community Health Centres

A Community Health Centre (CHC) is a non-profit, publicly funded organization that provides primary health care from a team of doctors, nurse practitioners, nurses, registered dietitians, social workers and community health workers. The multidisciplinary team ensures the patient gets the right care, at the right time, delivered by the most appropriate provider. The focus of a CHC is on health promotion, illness prevention, and community development. 


Model of Care at Langs

Langs works with a shared model of care. As a new patient you will be assigned to a team that includes a physician and nurse practitioner. We work very hard to ensure our patients sees the most appropriate provider to deal with their health concerns. This means that sometimes you may see your Physician/Nurse Practitioner, or another Physician/Nurse Practitioner who has available time in their schedule. Choosing to see only the Physician is not an option. If your condition can be managed by another provider, that is who you will be scheduled to see.


Nurse Practitioners

A nurse practitioner (NP) is a registered nurse with advanced university education who provides personalized, quality health care to patients. Ontario nurse practitioners provide a full range of health care services to individuals, families and communities in a variety of settings including hospitals and community based clinics in cities and smaller towns in Ontario. They work in partnership with physicians, nurses and other health care professionals such as social workers, midwives, mental health professionals and pharmacists to keep you, your family and your community well.


NPs have the competency to diagnose, order and interpret diagnostic tests, prescribe all medications, and perform medical procedures. They work with individuals and families to manage illness or chronic conditions, prevent illness through health screening, and promote wellness through education and community resources. In essence, NPs bring together the medical knowledge needed to diagnose and treat illnesses with the values and skills of nursing.


Become a patient

Langs Community Health Centre:
The Langs CHC provides service to the residents of the Cambridge community. Please call Health Care Connect to register at 1-800-445-1822 or register online on their website.

North Dumfries Satellite Community Health Centre:
The North Dumfries CHC provides service to the residents of North Dumfries Township including Ayr, Roseville, Branchton, Clyde, Drumbo, New Dundee and Plattsville. Please call Health Care Connect to register at 1-800-445-1822 or register online on their website.


Once eligibility is confirmed, patients are invited to attend an intake session at their CHC where they will learn about the services offered and the patient’s rights and responsibilities. Patients will be booked in for a ‘meet and greet appointment’ where they will meet and discuss their health care needs with a provider from their CHC.

What we offer

Patient Information

Appointment Booking

You must book an appointment to see a provider. If other family members need care they must also have their own appointment. Some appointments, such as prescription renewals and health reviews, can be pre-booked for a later date. Online Booking is available for most appointment types. Use the links above to pre-book an appointment.


Some urgent appointments may be available by calling in the morning; phone lines may be busy; thank you in advance for your patience.  Langs wants you to see the right providers at the right time. Please be prepared to share the reason for your visit so staff can book the appropriate provider and length of time required for your appointment.


Patient Handbook

Please download the current Patient Handbook for your location.


Langs CHC Patient Handbook


North Dumfries CHC Patient Handbook


Demographic Information

Langs collects demographic data to provide us with a bigger picture of who we serve. It allows for better planning for services and care. Overall, our goal is to ensure our patients have access to the highest quality of care.


Langs Patient Demographic Information Brochure


Allied Health Services


Langs works with varied allied health partners to provide needed care for patients who lack the resources to access these services. Please talk to your provider to discuss what is available to you.


Langs is grateful for the support these professionals provide to our patients through the donation of their time and skills.


The Interprofessional Primary Care (IPC) Team


The Interprofessional Primary Care (IPC) Team is a multidisciplinary team focused on serving those who are homeless or precariously housed, often struggling with mental health and addiction. The team is comprised of a physician, a nurse practitioner, a registered practical nurse, a community outreach worker, and a registered social worker. The goal is to provide flexible, mobile, multidisciplinary care to individuals who have difficulty accessing health care and are disconnected from typical primary care services.


The IPC model focuses heavily on outreach to vulnerable/complex individuals through partnerships with other community-based organizations throughout the region.

Location Outreach sites include (but are not limited to):

  • Bridges shelter
  • MACS Drop In 150 Main
  • Haven House
  • Monica Place
  • Anselma House
  • House of Friendship
  • Encampment sites for those living rough
  • Temporary shelters/housing

Available Clinics

Gender Affirming Clinic 18+

The Gender Affirming Clinic at Langs is a service that aims to be a safe and confidential space to access care. Our team is committed to meeting your physical, mental, and social health needs while validating gender identity. Care is personalized and tailored to each individual’s unique needs and preferences.


Care may include

  • Hormone therapy
  • Counselling
  • Surgical referrals
  • System navigation

Clinic Locations

This clinic is offered bi-monthly at the Langs Community Health Centre (1145 Concession Road Cambridge, ON) and bi-monthly at the North Dumfries Community Health Centre (2958 Greenfield Road Ayr, ON)


How to Access Care and Eligibility

Click this link for self-referral


Patients must be

  • Age 18 or older
  • Self-identify as trans, gender diverse, non-binary, and/or questioning
  • Resident of Cambridge, Ayr, or North Dumfries township, ON


If you have received care at the Gender Affirming Clinic, we will reach out by email to receive your confidential feedback. Thank you for taking the time to help us provide quality care.


For more information

Please contact 519-653-1470 ext. 2226 or [email protected].


4 folks are outdoors with orange brick background behind them


Prenatal Clinic

The Prenatal Clinic helps women who need prenatal care and don't have a doctor, nurse practitioner, or midwife/OB. The clinic gives care, support, and resources during pregnancy.


  • Complete a referral form.
  • The referral form may also be completed by hospital staff or walk-in clinics
  • You will be contacted by a Prenatal Clinic staff to book an appointment
  • A practitioner will take care of you until you are referred to an OB, usually around 28 weeks
  • Bring your latest ultrasound and book test results to your appointment
  • Note: This is not a walk-in clinic

If you experience any pregnancy-related concerns before your appointment, please seek emergency care immediately.


Clinic Locations

Langs Community Health Centre (1145 Concession Road Cambridge, ON) &

North Dumfries Community Health Centre (2958 Greenfield Road Ayr, ON).


Who is eligible?

  • Those without a doctor, nurse practitioner, or midwife/OB
  • Residents of Cambridge, Ayr, or North Dumfries township, ON

Referral forms

Self-referral form (online)

Referral form (printable)



If you have accessed care at the Prenatal Clinic, we will reach out by email to receive your confidential feedback. Thank you for taking the time to help us provide quality care.


For more information

Please contact [email protected] or 519-653-1470 ext 343.


a provider and a prenant worman meet in an exam room


IPC Mental Health & Addictions Recovery Clinic

The Langs Interprofessional Primary Care (IPC) Mental Health Recovery Clinic at 562 Concession Road Cambridge, ON is staffed by primary care providers, outreach workers, and social workers. It has close connections to community and mental health supports and the Rapid Access Addictions Medicine team, managed by House of Friendship.


How to Access Care

  • No referral required, must be 16 years or older
  • Call 519-653-1470 ext 292 to make an appointment
  • Mondays and Wednesdays from 1:00 - 3:00pm 
  • Located at 562 Concession Rd Cambridge, ON

We Provide

  • Assessment and work-up
  • Follow-up with your family doctor, if required, or connections to new primary care providers


  • actively suicidal patients will be redirected to the ER
  • short-term problem solving only, not ongoing primary care
  • unable to provide WSIB appointments or forms
  • unable to provide a prescription for controlled substances (opioids or stimulants)
  • unrelated physical health concerns will be redirected to local walk-in clinics

For more information

Please contact 519-653-1470 ext 292 or email Crystal.

a provider and a man are speaking to each other with one looking at the other with great empathy




ConnectMyHealth is a digital health solution that provides patients with an online, single-access channel to view their health records from participating hospitals in the Ontario Health West Region.


ConnectMyHealth is a secure web-based tool and there is no app to download. Visit their site to register today. 

The Hub@1145 building